wrong side out
- Of a garment, etc, having its inner or hidden side on the outside and vice versa.
#:My shirt was on wrong side out.
- figurative reverse|Reversed, changed diametrically, by analogy with a garment that is wrong side out.
#:*1605, Madam, within, but never man so change|chang'd. I told him of the army that was landed; He smile|smil'd at it. I told him you were coming; His answer was, "The worse." Of Gloucester's treachery, And of the loyal service of his son, When I inform|inform'd him, then he call'd me sot, And told me I had turn|turn'd the wrong side out. What most he should dislike seems pleasant to him; What like, offensive. — William Shakespeare, King Lear, Act IV, Scene II, line 2.
(having its inner side on the outside): inside out
See also
back to front
upside down
wrong way round